How to Make Christmas Bon Bons (Crackers)

how to make christmas crackers or bon bons

The Spruce / Caylin Harris

Project Overview
  • Total Time:10 - 15 mins
  • Yield:1 cracker
  • Skill Level:Kid-friendly
  • Estimated Cost:$0-10

Christmas bon bons (crackers or poppers) are a beloved British Christmas tradition. They may sound like food or dessert, but they're not. These treats are small, handy gifts you can give your guests at Christmas dinner that "pop" when opening them. Christmas bon bons are fun little presents to keep kids (and who are we kidding, adults, too) entertained at a holiday dinner. They're often used todress up the holiday dinner tableand can even be personalized as a cute place card setting option.

Before You Begin

This tutorial has instructions on making traditional Christmas bon bons, but with a little twist. The concept has been tweaked since these bon bons have a little less snap. They don't make the same cracking sound as traditional bon bons, but we've achieved the same level of fun without having to source those extra supplies. These bon bons are especially perfect for little kids who might be scared by a loud popping sound.

Here's how to make Christmas bon bons, and perhaps the best part is that you likely have all the materials you need to make these at home.

How to make christmas crackers
The Spruce / Caylin Harris

What Are Christmas Bon Bons?

Christmas bon bons, also known as Christmas crackers, are festive table decorations that make a snapping sound when pulled open. These little packages of joy often contain a paper hat, a small gift, a joke or saying, and spread happiness for the giver and the receiver.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Scissors
  • Double-stick tape


  • Toilet paper roll
  • Tissue paper or wrapping paper
  • Ribbon, string, yarn, or twine
  • Goodies for filler


  1. Substitutions for Some of the Materials

    You likely have all the materials at home. But, in case you don't have some of the materials, there are several potential substitutions:

    • Instead of tissue paper, you can use scraps of wrapping paper.
    • You can substitute curling ribbon, thick string, or yarn if you don't have butcher's twine.
    • Have a shortage of toilet paper rolls? You can also cut paper towel rolls in half to make multiple bon bons.
    supplies and materials need to make christmas crackers or bon bons
    The Spruce / Caylin Harris
  2. Wrap the Base

    首先,减少你的tissue paper so it's longer than the toilet paper tube on each side. You want the excess paper to form those fun fringe-y ends later.

    Using the double stick tape like you're wrapping an oddly-shaped gift, tape down one edge of the tissue paper, and then on top of it, tape down the other edge. The paper should form the same tube shape as the toilet paper tube, but longer.

    making christmas crackers or bon bons
    The Spruce / Caylin Harris
  3. Tie Ends With Ribbon

    Start by tying the bottom end of the tube with a ribbon. Just like with the paper, the prettier your ribbon, the better. You can also use yarn, string, or twine.

    Using the open side, place all of your goodies or surprises inside. Work slowly and carefully until the tube is filled. Once you've finished, tie off the open end with your ribbon.

    You're almost there. Your Christmas bon bons are taking proper shape.

    making christmas crackers or bon bons
    The Spruce / Caylin Harris
  4. 祝祝修剪结束

    The last step is straightforward, trim down the paper on each side so that the ends are in proportion with the rest of the bon bons. You can do this using regular scissors or scissors with a scalloped edge or pinking shears.

    Gently arrange the paper to look good, all fanned out at the ends.

    Place a colorful bon bon in each stocking or at everyplace setting—they're quite the conversation starter, especially if you choose to write funny little notes in each of them.


    To give your bon bon its traditional bang, you must source "cracker snaps." These premade strips are made of chemically impregnated paper. The friction of pulling them apart creates a reaction and a loud bang sound (similar to bang snaps).

    tying the ends of christmas crackers
    The Spruce / Caylin Harris

Tips for Making Christmas Bon Bons

  • Christmas bon bons can also be made of scrapbook paper rolled into a tube shape.
  • The advantage of using a toilet paper tube over scrapbook paper is bon bons have more durability.
  • You can order pretty tissue paper from many online sources, including Paper Source.
  • If you don't want to use tissue paper, you can also use leftover wrapping paper orwrapping paper alternatives.
  • For filler gifts, the more fun and whimsical, the better. Consider using candy, small toys, confetti, tissue paper crowns, or even handwritten compliments or jokes.